You’ve got the right skills and competencies for what looks like a great job opportunity. You apply, interview well, and then you’re offered the position. Congratulations!

But how will you know if you will love the new job once you start?

How do you know if the company will let you be the person you truly are, be happy and contribute in a way that is necessary for you?

Your skills are important for DOING the job, but do you have a clear understanding of your true VALUES in life that will ensure you are both fulfilled and productive in your new role?

Most people don’t think about, or don’t even know what they need to be happy in their careers. Without really understanding what values feed your soul, you’ll risk jumping from job to job, searching for the perfect fit without clear direction.

This is where I can change your life.

I specialize in helping you discover WHO you are before applying for your next job. Or if you like your job right now but see room for improvement, I can help you find more pleasure in your current role.

Knowing who you are inside will allow for the understanding of what you innately need and guide you to choose jobs that are an extension of WHO you are and support YOU. You will be happy and productive, making it a win-win for both you AND your employer! This is a critical step in ensuring you can make better decisions about whether this job will be the right “fit” for you, and allow you to go through the interview process asking the RIGHT questions to help determine this.

Stop assuming that a “great” company will give you what you need once you take the job! You need to know if they can provide that for you before you commit to an offer.

Because getting a job you love is about more than just your skills.

Whatever you’re struggling with in regards to your employment journey, I can be a guiding light to set you on the path to happiness and fulfillment.

To see if we’re the right fit for each other, I offer a complementary 45-minute session. Click on the links below to explore more. What are you waiting for?

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